
Spinal discs are small objects lodged between the vertebrae that promote flexibility and prevent injury. They specifically prevent injury by mitigating the impact that affects your spine. Unfortunately, the spinal discs themselves are also susceptible to injury.

At Hialeah Wellness and Rehab Center, we offer treatments for spinal disc injuries to all residents of Hialeah, FL. You may be dealing with a disc injury now without realizing it. Continue below to learn more about those injuries and determine if you need treatment from a chiropractor near you.

Degenerative Disc Disease

First off, we need to discuss degenerative disc disease. Degenerative disc disease is fairly common because it’s primarily caused by aging. Certain injuries can also contribute to degenerative disc disease, but aging remains the main culprit.

As your spinal discs deteriorate, your bones may rub against each other and cause significant pain. Some of your spinal discs may also move out of position. They may sag and push outward, creating something known as a bulging disc. A bulging disc can be troublesome because it can affect your mobility and cause pain throughout your body.

Herniated Disc

Next up, we have herniated discs. A herniated disc differs from a bulging disc in terms of how it forms. This injury typically stems from a tear in the disc covering that allows the nucleus to leak. When that substance leaks, it can affect other elements of your musculoskeletal system. You will need back pain treatment if you’re suffering from a herniated disc. This particular injury is also known to cause numbness and muscle weakness.

Disc Strains

A disc strain is the result of putting excessive strain on your back. All that strain can damage your spinal disc, leading to inflammation. While back pain treatment is required for disc strains, it’s still a lesser injury compared to others we’ve discussed. That’s mainly because the disc hasn’t sustained long-term damage.


Sciatica is another injury we need to talk about. When it comes to sciatica, the spinal disc itself may be responsible for your symptoms. More specifically, the spinal disc pressing on your sciatic nerve is why you’re in pain. Chiropractic adjustments can position the herniated or bulging disc away from your sciatic nerve. You can expect relief soon after receiving those chiropractic adjustments.

Finding Effective Disc Injury Treatment

Immediately address your disc injuries by partnering with us at Hialeah Wellness and Rehab Center. Set your appointment at our clinic in Hialeah and secure the prompt treatment you need!